DevOps Engineer onboarding

Welcome to the DevOps team! This document will guide you through DevOps-specific onboarding tasks to make your start here at Sourcegraph as smooth as it can be. Make sure you’ve read and completed the general engineering onboarding guide.

DevOps Onboarding Checklist

Week 1



If you need access to any system, reach out to your peers in #cloud-devops-internal on Slack.

If access has to be granted by #it-tech-ops, please cc DevOps EM for approval

Week 2


  • Develop high-level understanding of product.
  • You are participating in our team rituals.
  • Get to know your team.
  • Work towards closing one issue.


  • Schedule a 1 on 1 meeting with each of the engineers in the team
  • Set up a local environment. This will be your other test environment. If you get stuck, just post in the #dev-chat Slack channel. You will often want to run Sourcegraph locally when you are troubleshooting or testing.
  • Add discussion items to the Weekly Sync doc
  • Review the DevOps Board

By the end of your first month, the following will be true


  • Confidently deploy Sourcegraph via all supported deployment methods, and understand when a customer would use one over the others.
  • Begin diving into and improving technical documentation and processes.
  • Understand how changes are deployed to our Cloud environments
  • Confidently contributing to and closing team issues


  • Review the Sourcegraph install docs and make any appropriate updates.
  • Shadow another member of DevOps team during an incident or during their on-call schedule.
  • Take on new issues, and pair with other engineers.

By the end of your second month, the following will be true


  • Made improvements to our processes and how we deliver
  • Made improvements to our olly


  • Take on the @devops-support rotation and pair with teams to resolve issues.
  • Identify inefficiencies and raise issues to fix them

By the end of your third month, the following will be true


  • Mentoring direct team members, and engineers in Customer Engineering and Customer Support
  • Contribute to long term team goals


  • Develop any new material required to help others level up and understand our product
  • Add to the teams planning and OKRs