
There is no such thing as a team without processes, only teams with undocumented processes. Therefor, we prefer to document the way we do things, and evolve it over time!

We share the Developer Insights org’s processes, plus the following for our team. We use our bi-weekly retrospective to identify any tweaks we should make that would improve our process.

Weekly sync

The team holds weekly syncs.

The meeting notes of team syncs can be found our sync meeting notes Google Doc.

Before team syncs, teammates and stakeholders should write down under “Agenda” in the meeting notes document anything that they’d like to bring up for discussion with the whole team. Attendees are encouraged to add comments on talking points asynchronously before the meeting too.

Planning and prioritization

We plan and track our day-to-day work on our GitHub board. The project is separated into multiple views: Current iteration, Next iteration (both grouped by issue status) and All iterations (grouped by milestone).

We use an intentional list of statuses on our project board:

  • No Status: Status is not assigned. These issues need triage.
  • Backlog: we are keeping this issue open for reference, as a placeholder, and for future prioritization, but it’s not a current priority.
  • On deck: these issues are not currently proposed for the upcoming iteration but are a maintained, priority ordering of likely next issues.
  • Proposed for iteration: these are a select group of issues proposed for a specific iteration. They should have an iteration milestone attached. TODO @felix could we enforce that?
  • Todo: this is the small set of issues that are planned for our current iteration.
  • In Progress: issues currently being worked on in the iteration.
  • In Review: issues that have PRs in review.
  • Done: all closed issues, including “won’t do” issues.

Our current process is as follows:

  • We work in 2-week iterations. Every iteration has a GitHub milestone, which is created at least one iteration in advance.

  • Incoming tickets (from team members or from other teams) are added to the GitHub project automatically when they are labelled team/code-insights and will be visible in the “All issues” view under “No milestone”. This represents our backlog of unscheduled work.

  • While an iteration is ongoing, we plan the next iteration. This is a mostly asynchronous process.

    • Engineers, designer, PM and EM can propose issues to be worked on before the mid-iteration Thursday iteration planning by adding them to the next iteration milestone and setting “Status” to Proposed. This is done considering our higher-level goals and roadmap.

    • We plan our iterations with point baselines such that factor in time off, life events, and support across prior iterations. We calibrate these point baselines via temperature checks in retros and manual adjustment. Roughly 80% of our iteration capacity is planned by the PM as the decider, and ~20% of the capacity is explicitly left for engineers to prioritize, taking into account our goals and roadmap, technical roadmap, estimates, workloads on individuals, and release dates (the 20th of every month).
      The PM will choose issues among all proposed issues – engineers and designers should still propose issues, even if they are not the planning decider.

      • The issue should also have its Size column filled out, so that it can be evaluated whether it fits into the iteration. If the proposer lacks the information to estimate the issue, they reply on the issue in GitHub or raise it in our Slack channel to get the missing information or get an estimate from the appropiate person. Teammates may also discuss this in ad-hoc synchronous meetings if beneficial. An assignee may also already volunteer or be proposed, but this may still be changed at the Monday sync to distribute workload. See below for information on issue sizing.
      • If technical exploration is needed to get more information, a spike (a time-boxed investigation task meant to facilitate more granular planning) can be proposed for the next iteration instead to get that information.
      • Estimations include the testing time necessary to fully test an issue against test plans or test cases defined in the issue.
    • As much as possible, the proposer involves the necessary stakeholders asynchronously to get agreement on whether the issue should be worked on in the next iteration before the Thursday iteration planning. For example, the PM or EM might ping engineers in GitHub or Slack on whether an issue seems feasible, or engineers might ping their EM and PM to get buy-in whether the issue fits into our goals.
      If a task needs synchronous discussion with a smaller group than the whole team, teammates are encouraged to meet synchronously in a smaller group to have more clarity before the mid-iteration Thursday iteration planning.

    • Teammates can reorder proposed issues on the “Next iteration” board before the mid-iteration sync to their liking. The order at the time of the mid-iteration Monday sync is the proposed order.

    • Often, planning work involves RFCs or designs that require engineering input. For this process:

      • The goal of a product-manager-created RFC is to arrive at scoped outcomes for either designs or engineering: this is collected in a “Decisions for Design” or “Decisions for Engineering” section.
      • At this point, the engineering project lead or designer becomes the driver for taking the work through its next stage. For engineering, this may optionally involve an engineering RFC or a new implementation discussion among engineers on the existing RFC. For design, this usually involves Figma mocks. From those stages, the respective project lead or designer and engineers can create GitHub issues to put into proposed.
      • Although discussions and project scope can vary, the rough average goal timeline for this process is:
      • 0.5-1 week: product RFC and discussion
      • 1-1.5 weeks: designs or engineering implementation discussion and issue creation
    • The PM is in charge of moving issues from Proposed to Todo before the fortnightly synchronous iteration planning.

    • We hold a fortnightly synchronous iteration planning, we take a look at the proposed issues together on the “Next iteration” view.

  • During an iteration, teammates work on their assigned issues for the iteration in the order they are listed in the “Current iteration” view of the board. When starting work on a task, the teammate updates its status column to “In Progress” to communicate it to their team. This gives a good overview in the “Current iteration” view, which can also be viewed in Kanban layout, on how the iteration is tracking.

  • If one or more issues that were planned for an iteration are looking to not get finished (which includes testing) in the current iteration (while maintaining sustainable work practices) the assignee raises this as soon as possible asynchronously to the team (including the PM and EM), e.g. on the GitHub issue or Slack. These issues then become proposed issues for the next iteration (meaning nothing carries over automatically, but we also don’t just drop and forget missed issues).

Project Leads

Larger projects, especially ones that involve multiple domains, may benefit from a “project lead”. A project lead assumes full responsibility for gathering all requirements to complete a project. The project lead is expected to have full understanding of the issue and pull in any resources or team members needed to complete the task.

Time commitment

Being a project lead takes a bit more time than just working on a single issue. If you are a project lead then your capacity will be reduced. Project leads should make sure to take this into consideration when planning other iteration work.


  1. Be the first point of engineering contact for product and design
  2. Have a full understanding of the requirements and the work that needs to be done across the frontend and backend. The main benefit here is catching any misunderstandings or integration issues before they happen.
  3. Keep an eye on progress and be proactive about raising blockers or delays.
  4. Help define the testing plan.

Tracking project leads

A project requiring a lead will most likely require multiple issues to complete. The project lead should create a tracking issue for these and clearly state who the lead is in the issue.

How we think about issue sizes

When sizing an issue please keep in mind the size includes the entire lifecycle of the issue. The coding, any testing both automated and manual, as well as PR reviews and documentation.

When thinking about the size of an issue we try to stay away from actual time estimates. Generally, 1 and 2 sizes should be considered small. 3 and 5 are medium issues. 8 and 13 can be considered large issues. Any number larger than 13 can be considered significantly large, and possibly could represent a small project.

While there is no “maximum” number, once we get higher than a 13 in size it will probably prompt some discussion or at least need some explanation in the issue.


  • 1: A small issue that you completely know the entire solution and are 100% confident in the scope. You have no questions and no dependencies on other teammates. There aren’t any tests that need writing. Fixing a typo, updating copy, or very minor CSS changes would most likely all be 1s.
  • 2: You still know the full scope of your solution and have no dependencies. But the change is more logic-based than a simple text update. Something like removing a feature flag and all accompanying code. This could be a simple change but may take more effort in asserting the change is successful. i.e. manually testing the change.
  • 3: The scope is still generally understood, but some discovery may need to happen during coding. Any tests already exist for this section of code and only need basic updates if any. The resulting PR is pretty small and could be reviewed quickly by a teammate.
  • 5: Like 3, but may need more discovery. Or maybe there are no tests for this part of the code yet so you have to start from scratch.
  • 8: The solution is vaguer and may need some input from outside of your own personal domain. For example, a change to the UI requires more data from the backend. Now we need some input from several domains (frontend and backend) plus resulting tests and approvals.
  • 13: At this point, the solution probably requires multiple domains and possibly multiple teams. The solution may need a great deal of discovery or follow-up activities. Maybe we need a full E2E test to have confidence or large volumes of documentation. PR reviews at this size will probably take multiple hours for teammates to review.
  • Beyond size 13 the issue probably needs to be broken down more or given a spike. But not always! Some problems are just hard and that’s ok, but we document the reasoning behind it so that everyone understands why.

Fortnightly iteration planning

Every two weeks, usually on the Thursday before the next iteration begins, we hold an iteration planning. This is a short sync meeting to answer questions or align on the priority of issues planned for the next iteration. This includes: questions about priority, clarity, or edge cases of specific features for the next iteration; refining plans for the following Monday iteration start; surfacing any missing GitHub issues (for known items) ahead of the Monday kickoff so they can be made before Monday.

This is primarily a review of already-selected issues with a Todo status, and not deciding which issues belong in Todo. This meeting is also an opportunity to review the status of our current iteration and examine if any issues should be carried over to the next iteration.

Our goal is to begin the next iteration with a correctly-sized Todo list, and all issues have assignees, and order. As a rule of thumb, the sum of estimates for each individual should not exceed the baseline posted to slack so we have enough buffer, time to reply to asks from other teams, to plan the next iteration’s projects, and self-organized slack time.


Despite following two-week iterations, our releases are monthly on the 20th and we may sometimes need to order tasks in a way that we can get important projects into the next release.

We also intentionally plan so we can avoid merging significant work less than two days before a release (if a release is on the 20th, our last day to merge is the 18th). Exceptions require explicit approval of both the PM and EM.

Planning larger projects

Larger (usually multi-iteration) projects coming from our roadmap go through three phases. (Note that these three phases are the team collaboration phases, but there are often additional individual phases like product/design research processes or technical research that may come before phase 1.)

  1. Product context and scope agreement (usually 1–2 weeks)
    The PM (or other driving individual) creates a product-level RFC summarizing user desires from feedback and proposes a reasonable timeline to reach a scope agreement (mentioned in the RFC). Engineers, designer (as applicable), PM, and EM discuss the needs in the RFC and the feasibility/complexity of different options. The goal of this phase is to agree on a scope for the project, which will generally be a subset of the desires the PM/driver outlined in the RFC based on the implementation complexity, how long it would roughly take to implement, and how much time we want to dedicate to the project. After discussion, the agreed-upon scope is recorded in a section at the bottom of the RFC.

  2. Design and implementation planning (usually 1–2 weeks)
    For a UI project, our designer will create wireframes and designs which are reviewed and discussed by all teammates in Figma. Similarly, engineers will make a proposal for the needed GraphQL APIs (e.g. in an RFC) and agree on the API shape, think the implementation through, and create concrete implementation sub-tasks with estimates, testing plans, and a label collecting them. The goal of this phase is to be “ready to go” for the implementation phase – having a plan (with reasonable confidence) that only needs to be executed.

  3. Implementation and testing (usually 1–4 weeks)
    Engineers execute on the implementation plan, putting a set of issues from the project into each iteration. This also includes that each sub-implementation-task is sufficiently tested, meaning by the end of this phase the project is ready to ship to customers with confidence.

We sequentialize and parallelize projects in a way that we can plan projects (step 1 and 2) while another project is currently being implemented, so that we always have the next project ready to be implemented by the time a project has finished implementation. We will however make sure to never have multiple projects in planning phase at the same time, as this leads to cognitive overload while also delivering on an implementation for another projects. This means a teammate may have to think at most about 2 projects at any given time: one that is being implemented, and one that is being planned, and a teammate will never have to implement more than one larger project at the same time.

Project Tracking

To track projects that span multiple iterations, we make use of a distinct project specific label and a separate tab of the GitHub project board. The project specific label is created by any of the teammates, and should be descriptive enough to clearly indicate which project it is for, e.g. insights-dashboards-v1 (milestones are not used for this, as they are used for iterations).

Suffixes like v1 can be used to communicate we are aiming for an initial, well-defined scope to avoid scope creep. Further improvements are either tracked as individual tasks in iterations, or if a new, larger, multi-iteration improvement, a new project is created with a new label.

Individual tasks of the project are assigned to iterations using milestones.

Product Feedback

Specific product feedback about well-defined, small features can be found directly in the GitHub board. More general product feedback that applies to larger features, or that needs more research and planning to be actionable, is kept in Productboard.


Every two weeks, we hold a review/retrospective meeting to reflect on the past two weeks. We use this meeting to:

  • Review the previous retro’s action items to ensure they get completed
  • Give Shoutouts! to teammates to show appreciation for something they did that we appreciated
  • Discuss things that went well in the past two weeks and that we should do more of / invest more into it
  • Discuss the things that could have gone better and what we can learn from it to improve
  • Talk about processes that we should revisit/refine/propose to improve our efficiency.

We capture and assign actions to individual teammates. Teammates should consider actions coming out of the retrospective as a very high priority.

Teammates contribute to the retrospective asynchronously during the iteration by adding their thoughts to our retrospective document. Teammates are highly encouraged to comment on points raised before the sync meeting in the document.

We rotate who leads the retrospective to allow all teammates an opportunity to lead the session. Teammates can find the rotation schedule at the top of the retrospective document.

Code reviews

The team follows the default code review guidelines with the following addition:

  1. If the author would like any of the requested reviewers to merge the PR after approval they add the label merge-on-any-approve
  2. If the author would like their PR to be merged once all of the requested reviewers have approved it they add the label merge-on-all-approve
  3. When there are only minor issues, reviewers are encouraged to give “approval with comments” and trust their teammates to address the comments without requiring a follow-up review.
  4. If there are any user-facing UI changes the author requests a review from the designer.

Support rotation

The team currently follows a support rotation that is intended to allow a single engineer to dedicate time towards supporting customer issues. This support rotation will automatically update based on an OpsGenie schedule and can be contacted with the @code-insights-support Slack tag. This support rotation is currently intended to be a work hours rotation, instead of on-call.

If the teammate on support duty has time off during their turn, someone else on the team will swap with them or cover. OpsGenie allows to add an override in these cases. It’s the support engineer’s responsibility to reach out proactively, find someone to swap with or cover and add the override.

The engineer assigned to the support rotation is responsible for:

  1. Responding to and triaging escalations from other teams (for example: customer support, or security)
  2. Performing a best-effort resolution of the issue
    1. This means even if someone doesn’t have much knowledge or context about some parts of the system, they are still responsible to try and solve the problem before escalating to other engineers on the team
    2. This could mean searching documentation, asking questions to other engineers, experimenting with the product, or any other means at your disposal to try and solve the problem
    3. As a reminder, it is better to reach a high quality resolution for our customers, even in high priority escalations. It is acceptable (and expected) to push back on support escalations if you need more time to understand and formulate an answer.
  3. Updating any documentation that may help others understand and solve the issue

Issue cleanup

To try and reduce the entropy of our backlog, the engineer on support rotation is expected to spend a small amount of time (less than 1 hour per rotation) curating and cleaning up issues. We choose to attach this work to the support rotation since this engineer is already expected to dedicate some time to support, it should be possible to fit this in the allocated time.

This issue cleanup should perform tasks such as:

  1. Closing obviously completed issues
  2. Raising questions to the engineering team if something seems unnecessary
  3. Following up on old issues without activity
  4. Assigning missing labels as necessary
  5. Merging duplicate issues

It is important to make a best effort attempt to clean up as much as possible on your own, even if you don’t have all of the context. When in doubt, here are some guidelines:

  1. Prefer to leave issues open if it isn’t clear it should be closed
  2. Prefer to tag people in the issues rather than open new discussions in something like Slack
  3. Leave notes when closing an issue with a short description (ex. “I am closing this issue as a cleanup effort since we already did this work”)