🗞 Developer experience newsletter

Welcome to the developer experience newsletter! This is a newsletter prepared by the DevX team to highlight contributions and updates to Sourcegraph’s developer experience, which is an area the DevX team focuses on but is owned by everyone.

To have your updates highlighted here, please tag your PR or issue with the dx-announce label! If you have questions or feedback, feel free to reach out in #dev-experience or in our discussions as well.

To learn more about components of Sourcegraph’s developer experience, check out the developer documentation.

June 24, 2022

Welcome to another iteration of the Developer Experience newsletter! As a reminder, you can check out previous iterations of the newsletter in the newsletter archive.

New guides

Logging: We’ve made some updates to our logging guidance around the new logging library to include more concrete suggestions and examples around:

  • How to use scopes
  • Creating sub-loggers (e.g. those with traces and fields)
  • Writing log messages

You can find the new docs in How to add logging!

Investigating flakes in CI: Have you ever merged a PR, got pinged in #buildkite-main, and thought “gosh this test failure has nothing to do with my changes 😭“? Well with a few quick steps you can easily determine if you’ve been hit with a frequently flaking test that should be disabled ASAP, and contribute to keeping our pipelines healthy! Check out our new Loom demo to learn more:

how to find out if a CI failure is a recurring flake

More details are available in the handbook: Grafana Cloud - CI logs, and if you have any questions please reach out in #dev-experience!

Observability features

Sentry errors: Errors are now automatically reported to Sentry from warning-level and above logs entries from sourcegraph/log loggers that include an error field, which can be added using the log.Error or log.NamedError field constructors, for example:

logger.Error("something terrible happened", log.Error(err))

The reported Sentry event includes helpful information like the logger scope, log message, log fields, and more! Check out this demo to see it in action:

Sentry demo

Because this raises the amount of errors being reported, we’re experimenting with sampling the errors, which both prevents to fill our quota too quickly and also ensure that we’re not spending too much resources on the reporting itself.

Under the hood, it uses a new “log sinks” mechanism that can easily be extended to accomodate new backends in the future - you can learn more about it in the package docs! As a byproduct, the codebase doesn’t have anymore any explicit reference to Sentry, apart from the optional Sentry sink itself.

DataDog sunset: Note that the DataDog trial is being ended, and the plan is to sunset DataDog integrations within the codebase.

CLA bot automation

The process of ensuring an external contributor has signed Sourcegraph’s Contributor License Agreement (CLA) is now fully automated. Once a contributor has signed the CLA form, their provided GitHub handle will now automatically be synchronized to the list of approved users.

You can learn more in the clabot-config repository and the accepting external contributions guide.

sg goodies

sg [cmd...] --feedback: Love (or hate) sg? Want to make a suggestion or found that a command was acting strange? In addition to the --feedback flag on all commands, we’ve also added a feedback subcommand enabling you to give us feedback right from the comfort of your terminal! When you opt to provide feedback a new discussion will be created in the dev experience category on the Sourcegraph repository.

Generated sg documentation: Because maintaining documentation is always hard, what’s better than automation to make sure its stays up to date? The sg reference is now automatically generated.

sg setup and sg lint rewrite: We have rewritten sg lint and sg setup to use a shared internal framework that can be used to easily and flexibly build powerful “check-and-fix” tasks. This enables features like:

  • sg setup -check to quickly generate a report of what you have set up
  • sg setup -fix to fix all issues with your dev setup in one go
  • sg lint -fix to automatically try and fix your lint issues (only supported by a few linters at the moment, but more can easily be added!)
  • Continuous integration testing for sg setup

dev/schemadoc has been removed and is replaced by sg migration ... commands. Example: sg migration describe -db codeintel --format=psql -force -out internal/database/schema.codeintel.md to generate the schema for the codeintel db thanks to #35905.

./dev/generate.sh has been deprecated in favour of of sg generate go (and its alias sg gen go for teammates in a hurry).

sg generate go now displays a progress bar to indicate its status and is also noticeably faster thanks to 35807, #36742 and #36681.

Named migrations files: sg migration now supports migrations with migration names embedded in the migration’s directory, and all newly created migrations from sg migration add will now have migration names included, which will make the migrations directory a bit easier to browser. #37244

Readability improvements: sg start logs are now easier to read, as the command names text is now justified. To ensure it’s still readable in small terminals, a few of them have be shortened and the enterprise- prefix is now implicit whereas oss- prefix has been introduced.

sg analytics: The DevX team is experimenting with collecting analytics on sg usage and issues! For now this is a manual process, so if you’d like to contribute you data to our explorations, you can submit your data with sg analytics submit [username], or check out what data has been collected with sg analytics view!

ADRs ❤️ sg: You will soon be able to list, search, view, and create Architecture Decision Records directly from sg! #37718

CI improvements

  • The linter job that runs on every build is now inferring which linter task needs to run depending on the changes (except main where it runs everything), saving some time on pull requests thanks to #35331.
  • When you retry the sg lint step, the verbose flag will be added allowing you to see more of what is going on.
  • You can now force the run of tests that are executed when your PR is ready for review by specifying in your commit message [ready-for-review]. Gone are the days of flipping your PR between draft and ready for review!

Tech Radar

You can browse this month tech-radar to get a bird’s-eye view of Sourcegraph tech stack! Check this guide to learn about how updating it with your team initiatives.

DevOps and DevX team merge

As you may have heard, the Cloud DevOps team is splitting up into a new Cloud team, with the remaining teammates merging into the DevX team - so we’re happy to welcome 3 new teammates to the DevX team!

A consequence of this change will be a shift in ownership of various domains - this is still a work in progress, but you can see an overview in the Cloud DevOps handoff plan. Broadly speaking, the main changes are that the DevX team will soon own and lead initatives on the following fronts:

  • observability (including internal tooling and external services like Grafana Cloud, Sentry, etc)
  • the operation of sourcegraph.com
  • misc. ops-related support

We will have more to share soon as the dust settles!

May 20, 2022

Welcome to another iteration of the Developer Experience newsletter! It has been quite a while since the last newsletter, so this edition will focus on more recent changes and highlights. As a reminder, you can check out previous iterations of the newsletter in the newsletter archive.

Logs, logs, logs 🗃️

A brand new logging package is now available in github.com/sourcegraph/log. This library outputs a OpenTelemetry-compliant log format in JSON mode, paving the way towards enabling customers to more easily ingest and leverage logs, and also offers a performant, strongly-typed interface for providing log fields. The library also encodes a number of best practices:

  1. No global loggers - it is no longer possible to instantiate a logger at compile time, and users should hold their own references to loggers, so that fields can be attached and log output can be more useful with additional context, and pass Logger instances to components as required.
  2. Loggers are attached to scopes - this helps orient log entries within a larger codebase. For example, when creating a GitHub V3 client for making a auth provider to make requests, one might use log.Scoped("provider.github.v3", "provider github client").

This library will also be the target of many observability improvements going forward, such as automated error reporting, improved test output, and more. To learn more, check out the new How to add logging guide.

We’ve also extended the existing internal/observation package, which aims to provide all-in-one logging, tracing, and monitoring primitives, to integrate logging throughout all levels of an observation. This enables you to easily write logs that includes helpful context like traces, metadata, observation context, and more. To learn more, check out How to add observability.

The DevX team has been collaborating with teams to help migrations to the new logging library - we encourage everyone to start incrementally migrating their existing logging, and to reach out to #dev-experience for feedback and questions!

sg experience ✨

The sg experience has been a major focus for the DevX team and we have been working towards a variety of improvements for both users and contributers of sg!

First up, usage improvements:

  • sg now supports autocompletions that you can trigger using the Tab key to help you type out long command names and flags faster, and to help you learn sg commands faster! To get started, make sure you’ve run sg setup. (#33817) Autocompletions demo
  • Many sg flags now have short aliases (such as sg run -d enterprise-frontend),and commands can declare shorter aliases too (such as sg ci st) to save you on some extra keystrokes.
  • Misspelled a command? sg will now prompt you with some suggestions! (#33943)
  • Help text is much improved, with sg help now rendering commands by category.
  • sg lint has seen a variety of improvements, and now powers all linters that we run in CI, which means you can easily replicate linter runs locally for debugging and enabling developers to customize linter output with much more granularity.
  • sg’s autoupdate mechanism has gone through a number of iterations and should now be reliably auto-updating your sg installation seamlessly whenever you run sg.

For developers wanting to streamline their developer experience with sg functionality, we’ve also made a lot of internal improvements:

  • Linters are easier than ever to build with the updated lint.Runner interface, which now also provides you an easy way to get changed files and iterate over added lines to perform incremental linting. To get started, just head on over to the dev/sg/linters package!
  • The migration to a new CLI library, urfave/cli, includes features like:
    • A much nicer API for defining flags and fetching them without declaring global variables, and convenience functions for safely getting arguments: example.
    • Developers can implement custom completions for their commands with the BashComplete: completeOptions(...) API.
    • Flags and commands can now have short aliases!
  • sg.config.yaml can now leverage external secrets (we currently support gcloud only) with the new secrets: field, and sg commands can use the secretsStore.GetExternal(...) API.
    • This is used by sg test frontend-e2e, which you can use to run Sourcegraph’s E2E tests with ease! (#34627)
  • The output API has been overhauled to be centralized in std.Out, which now centralizes the exports of a variety of sg-specific utilities for incorporating ✨ fancy ✨ output for some added bling. (#35269)
  • Writing scripts? We strongly recommend everyone to start writing scripts in Go within sg, which gives us more code-sharing opportunities, better cross-platform compatibility, and more advanced features such as better output management. To enable this, the DevX team has started developing a new command execution library, github.com/sourcegraph/run, aimed at providing a seamless way to execute commands and manipulate its output in Go. (#35417)

Following your code from PR to production 🚢

Deployments are now announced over Slack, in #alerts-preprod-cloud for the preprod and in #deployments-cloud for Cloud deployments. If you want to receive a mention on those announcement when your PR is getting deployed, you can use the notify-on-deploy label. If the label is present when the PR is deployed you’ll receive the notification.

Deployements schedules can be observed in Honeycomb Dashboard which tracks how much time elapsed from the moment a PR being merged to the moment it got deployed.

Smoke testing ☁️

Every ten minutes, smoke tests are being run against Sourcegraph CLoud, first making basic infrastructure tests then performing a quick search to ensure that the application is up. And it’s for real this time, #16589 turns failures into an automated incident being created.

Learning resources 🎥

Check out this selection of some of our recently published learning resources!

Architecture decision records 📰

The idea behind architecture decision records, or ADRs, is to have small documents that are part of the codebase, not an external artifact that you have to be aware of like an RFC.

We encourage the use of Architecture Decision Records (ADRs) for logging decisions that have notable architectural impact on our codebase. Since we’re a high-agency company, we encourage any contributor to commit an ADR if they’ve made an architecturally significant decision.

Note that ADRs are not meant to replace our current RFC process but to complement it by capturing decisions made in RFCs. However, ADRs do not need to come out of RFCs only. GitHub issues or pull requests, PoCs, team-wide discussions, and similar processes may result in an ADR as well, allowing to keep everyone in touch.

To learn more, check out the ADR index page and ADR 1: Record architecture decisions.

Database migration tooling 🗃️

There are two new goodies for database tooling available via sg migration locally and via the migrator binary shipped with every Sourcegraph instance.

  • New describe command provides a formatted version of your database’s current schema
  • New drift command provides a diff of the expected schema and your database’s current schema

And for some added bling, both of the new commands have been beautified! (#35722, #35735)

Preproduction environment 🔬

Before going out into production on Cloud, all changes are going throuh the preprod environment. The preprod environment is running in DotCom mode with a smaller dataset but with similar resources. Notably, it’s running some services which are sharded in production, but not within CI, at the miminum size that enables to exercise all code paths. This opened the path to increase our confidence toward changes through automated testing that weren’t previously possible.

Because tests on the prepod requires to put the application in a specific state to perform testing, state is being restored based on a snapshot which makes deterministic (#16249)

As a result, #16301 the code intel QA test suite is now running in preprod, and others will follow shortly.

Buildkite foundations ⛵

Since the end of March, 100% of our CI builds are now run on stateless agents. It means that by design, it’s now guaranteed that a given build cannot impact following ones. This enabled to roll out our own autoscaler backed by an in-house buildkite-job-dispatcher. This resulted in a whopping 30% decrease of our CI spending on GCP in April!

To try and maintain parity with the stateful agents of old, we have implemented a variety of measures to keep CI times down:

  • Cross-node git repository mirrors means that repository cloning is consistently just as fast - if not faster! - than stateful builds.
  • asdf caching has been used to speed up the installation process of all languages and tools needed to run our CI builds as we have now been running all builds on stateless agents. It has been extracted into a plugin, making it available for other pipelines as well.
  • We have enabled image streaming for our CI cluster, which has reduced the time to pull an image and start it from 1m50s to ~2s, which means lower wait times for your CI builds. (infrastructure#3296)

Some other CI goodies include:

  • Many linting steps have been rolled into a new CI step powered by sg lint, which now generates output that is actually readable compared to the “Misc linters” step of old! If you run into issues, (hopefully) helpful annotations will also be added to your build summary. image
  • Sending out a Slack mention when a specific step failed is also available as a plugin, which is also useful to make sure to notice a failure on a single step independently of the build result. For example, this is being used to alert the Code Intel team if their test suite fails on a preprod build.
  • Changes to the client app now render app previews running against k8s.sgdev.org! Learn more in the Sourcegraph docs: Exploring client changes with PR previews

Tech Radar 💡

Thoughtworks Technology Radar is a well known source for getting a sense of where the technology landscape is going. What really makes it stand out is how it surfaces Thoughtworks opinions in a format that is really easy to process. What if we had if we used the same medium to keep everyone in the loop within Sourcegraph on our various initiatives on the engineering front?

Thanks to #35538, it’s an ongoing exploration that could potentially help all of us to stay in touch with all the ongoing initiatives at Sourcegraph in the blink of an eye. Feedback and ideas are welcomed on the PR!

Feb 24, 2022

Welcome to another iteration of the Developer Experience newsletter of notable changes since the Jan 10th issue! As a reminder, you can check out previous iterations of the newsletter in the newsletter archive.

To have your updates highlighted here, please tag your PR or issue with the dx-announce label! If you have questions or feedback, feel free to reach out in #dev-experience or in our discussions as well.

SOC2 compliance processes

A new bot, pr-auditor, is now live in sourcegraph/sourcegraph and is rolling out to a number of other repositories that houses code that reaches customers. pr-auditor will add status checks on your pull requests when you edit descriptions to indicate whether or not it has detected a “test plan” within your pull request description. If a “test plan” is not provided by the time a PR is merged, an issue will be created in the sec-pr-audit-trail repository requesting that the PR author document a test plan, or provide a reason for the exception. This serves as an audit log to help us achieve these two SOC2 control points:

GN-104 Code changes are systematically required to be peer-reviewed and approved prior to merging code into the main branch.

GN-105 Application and infrastructure changes are required to undergo functional, security, unit, integration, smoke, regression, and SAST testing prior to release to production.

What is a test plan? A test plan is denoted by content following # Test plan, Test plan:, ### Test Plan:, etc. within a pull request description. All pull requests must provide test plans that indicate what has been done to test the changes being introduced. Testing methodologies could include:

  • Automated testing, such as unit tests or integration tests
  • Other testing strategies, such as manual testing, providing observability measures, or implementing a feature flag that can easibly be toggled to limit impact

Pull request reviews are now also required by default. Branch protections have been enabled in sourcegraph/sourcegraph. In other repositories with pr-auditor review checks must be opted out of by including No review required: ... within a pull request’s test plan.

To learn more, refer to our updated testing guidance. You can find DevX SOC compliance documentation by control point in this search notebook. If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out in #dev-experience or in our GitHub discussions!

Internal tools and libraries

Database migrations update

We have now eradicated two classes of errors related to database migrations:

  1. On the site-administrator and ops side, we no longer spuriously mark the database as dirty and give up any attempt at migrations at the first sign of trouble. We no longer immediately fail an upgrade because of the mere presence of an empty table or a concurrently created index. Now we only fail for actual reasons.
  2. On the development side, we no longer have to worry about two independently created migrations clashing only after both are merged into main. That was very annoying to me and now it will never, ever happen again. Check out the help page for the new sg migration to check out the new tooling.

See the migrator docs for additional info.

New lib/errors package and MultiErrors type

All errors in Sourcegraph backend services should now use the new github.com/sourcegraph/sourcegraph/internals/errors package. This consolidation helps us restrict and control the ways that we can create, consume, and compare errors, and will allows us to control library behavior clashes more easily in the future. #30558

Additionally, all usages of the old MultiError type has been replaced with a new, custom multi-error implementation (#31466, #698). This new error type is an interface that behaves much more closely to regular errors, prevents errors from disappearing due to library conflicts as was previously the case, and supports introspection with errors.Is, errors.As, and friends much more consistently.

var err errors.MultiError
for _, fn := range thingsToDo {
  err = errors.Append(err, fn())
return err

Check out the source code in lib/errors.

Actor propagation reminder

Unified actor propagation was introduced a few months ago as part of an effort to enable the implementation of sub-repository permissions across all Sourcegraph features. There have been gradual efforts to roll out this actor propagation to more services, which may cause behavioural changes that impact how permissions are handled if, for example, internal actors are not set explicitly. When implementing new features please ensure that actors are correctly set and read from contexts.

To learn more, check out the intro to actor propagation search notebook.

New teams package

There is now a unified library for interacting with Sourcegraph teammates for whatever fun integrations you want to build! It leverages team.yaml data as well as additional GitHub and Slack metadata:

import "github.com/sourcegraph/sourcegraph/dev/internal/team"

func main() {
  // Neither a GitHub client nor a Slack client is required, but each enables more ways
  // to query for users and/or get additional metadata about a user.
  teammates := team.NewTeammateResolver(githubClient, slackClient)
  tm, _ := teammates.ResolveByName(ctx, "Robert")
  // etc.

sg teammate, branch lock notifications, and Buidlkite failure mentions are all powered by this API.

Continuous integration

Slack mention notifications

We now generate notifications for failed builds based on the author of each commit (using the new teams package). Make sure to set up your teams.yaml entry with your GitHub handle to get notified when your changes fail in main!

Pipeline readability improvements

Pipeline operations can now be configured into groups with operations.NewNamedSet (#30381). The result looks like this:

Grouped operations

sg ci preview also leverages this grouping to improve readability of pipeline steps, as well as now leveraging a terminal Markdown renderer to generate nicer output! (#30724)

Build traces are now uploaded to Honeycomb

Build traces are now uploaded to Honeycomb to dive into the performance of each command that gets run in a pipeline! A link to the uploaded build trace is added as an annotation on the results of each Buildkite build.

Trace example

To learn more, check out the Pipeline command tracing docs.

Test analytics preview

We have started rolling out Buildkite test analytics support for Go tests and a subset of frontend tests that get run in continuous integration. This is still an experimental Buildkite feature, but you can learn more about it in our Test analytics docs.

Pipeline documentation

A new command, sg ci docs, can now render a full, up-to-date reference of various run types that our pipeline can generate as well as example pipelines of each, such as what gets run with various diff types. You can also see a web version of this in the Pipeline types reference.

Our pipeline development guide has also been refereshed with updated content, featuring a series of embedded search notebooks! This includes new guidance on:

Generate builds using run types

sg ci build now supports an additional argument to automatically generate a Buildkite build using a specified run type (#30932). For example, to create a main dry run build:

sg ci build main-dry-run

This now also supports run types that require arguments, such as docker-images-patch - learn more in #31193.

sg ci build

Coming soon: stateless Buildkite agents

We will soon be rolling out stateless Buildkite agents to all pipeline builds. These should improve the stability and reliability of all pipelines by removing any issues that might be caused by lingering state from other builds. Learn more in this Loom demo! (#31003)


  • Improvements on the server and gitserver Docker images building: after the addition of p4-fusion artifacts, the gitserver Docker image build time increased to 4 minutes to complete, which also impacted the server image. It has been fixed by caching the resulting binary, which brought the build time for gitserver down to about 40 seconds, thanks to #31317.
  • go-mockgen is now much faster: a misconfiguration was causing go-mockgen to be downloaded multiple times throughout a go generate run. This has been fixed, and run times for go generate is now much faster (#31597).

Local development

Each log entry now prints an iTerm link that links to each log statement’s source file:line in VS Code (#30439).

Workaround for MacOS firewalls

A new -add-to-macos-firewall flag, enabled by default on MacOS, is now available on sg start and sg run to avoid all those pop-up prompts you get in MacOS when firewalls are enabled. #30747

If this causes issues for you, the behaviour can be disabled with -add-to-macos-firewall=false.

sg highlights

You can now see what has changed as part of your fresh sg installation with the sg version changelog command! You can also use it to see what’s coming up next with sg version changelog -next. #30697

sg start now waits for all commands to install before starting them (#29760).

M1 macs no longer require any additional workarounds (#29815).

sg checks docker now features a custom Dockerfile parser to enable more powerful checks, such as validating apk add arguments as well as also running more existing checks. It now powers the Docker check in CI as well! (#31217)

sg setup now features an overhauled checks system to make sure your dev environment is ready to go (#29849).

sg setup now supports Ubuntu as a first class citizen and provides automated installation (#31312).

Jan 10, 2022

Happy new year, and welcome to another iteration of the Developer Experience newsletter! It’s been a little while since the last issue, so this is going to be a long one 😄 As a reminder, you can check out previous iterations of the newsletter in the newsletter archive.

To have your updates highlighted here, please tag your PR or issue with the dx-announce label! If you have questions or feedback, feel free to reach out in #dev-experience or in our discussions as well.

Internal tools and libraries

Backward-compatible database migrations are now enforced

Backward-compatible database migrations are now enforced in the CI pipeline for sourcegraph/sourcegraph - see the PR to re-enable the check at #28872. This PR contains some initial documentation on writing backwards-compatible migrations, but it is still a work in progress.

What is a backwards compatible migration?: A migration is backwards-compatible with a particular Sourcegraph version if those changes can be applied to a version without ill-effect.

What has already changed? (TL;DR): We’ve removed our use of golang-migrate that ran database migrations on startup of the frontend service and added a migrator service that runs database migrations separately from and prior to instance upgrades. This puts us well on our way to removing the entire class of frequent “dirty database” bugs that plagues many site-administrators on every upgrade.

What else is changing?: We will soon be enforcing that the unit tests of the previous minor release continue to pass with the newest database schema. This gives high confidence that any changes to the database will not negatively affect a running instance (behind at most one minor version). This allow site-administrators to upgrade an instance without requiring downtime to run the migrations.

Of course, this check will come with escape hatches in the event of flake or test failures that are locked in the past. We’re currently fleshing out the documentation on the subject, so keep an eye out for updates!

For the full announcement or to leave comments, check out the Slack discussion!

Actor propagation

Actors (used to identify a request in the context of a user or internal actor) are now propagated across all internal requests when using the httpcli library, and the various approaches for propagating actors across services has been standardized with the new actor.HTTPMiddleware. This makes it easier to enforce permissions across services. For more details, see #28117.

Database connections

dbconn.Global has been removed! This is a huge step towards bringing better database mocking to the entire codebase (check out the code insights dashboard tracking relevant migrations!)

migration from global database mocks

Tracking issues

Tracking issues now support a new marker, <!-- OPTIONAL LABEL: my-label -->, that allows you to add labels on a tracking issue that do not need to be present on child issues for them to be considered part of this tracking issue. This is useful for making tracking issues easier to find without adding labels to every single issue within the tracking issue. For more details, see #28665.

Continuous integration

Subsequent main pipeline failures will now result in a branch lock

In response to a variety of CI incidents (including INC-21 at the end of September) we have introduced automated branch locks via a tool called buildchecker. When buildchecker detects a series of CI failures, it will now automatically restrict push access to main to authors of recent failed builds and the DevX team until it sees a passed build, at which point it will unlock the branch. A notification will be posted in Slack to #buildkite-main as well mentioning the relevant teammates.

It is the responsibility of authors of recently failed builds to investigate what might have gone wrong, seek help if needed, and help get the pipeline back green. We hope this will prevent long periods of time where many commits to main go untested due to failing jobs. To learn more, check out the branch lock playbook

We’ve also made significant investments towards improving and streamlining the pipeline for better stability and observability - most recently, a large number of E2E/QA tests were dropped - which will hopefully help with minimizing locks triggered by test and infrastructure flakes.

Specifying tools and language versions ran by any continuous pipeline

In response to INC-59 we have reworked which tools and languages versions are to be used in a given CI job. Previously, the agents where running a mix of asdf and natively installed versions which created trouble when diagnosing build failures that weren’t caused by the test themselves.

It is now the responsibility of each repository to provide an adequate .tools-version file that defines what are the versions it needs. There are no more pre-installed go version for example. Presently, this approach is limited by having the plugin for that particular tool installed beforehand on the agents images (we are working on removing this limitation). The overarching goal is to make the agents reasonably independent from what they are actually building.

E2E and QA Tests survey results

RFC 544 explored the result of the e2e and qa tests survey. Thanks to the efforts of every team that took part to that survey, a large amount of irrelevant tests have been removed. As a result, those tests are about seven minutes faster than before and the average build time on the main branch is hovering around the 20 minutes mark instead of 25 minutes.

There is more to come on that topic and the Frontend Platform team has plans to rework those tests as well as providing guidance on how to write them in reliable fashion.

Buildkite agent selection

Buildkite pipeline steps should now explicitly declare queue: standard to avoid experimental or temporary agents. For more details, see infrastructure#2939.

Terraform vulnerability scanning

The security team has introduced Checkov checks to the infrastructure repository and performed a cleanup to fix or suppress all high and critical issues!

Going forward, the Checkov step of the infrastructure pipeline will be set to fail in the event it finds a Terraform security issue. If the pipeline fails a warning block will be displayed in the pipeline output - a link will take you to the handbook with guidance on how to continue, and additional output will help point you towards how to correct the issue. For more details, see Checkov Terraform vulnerability scanning

If anyone has any questions or issues, please post in the #security channel!

Sentry integration to monitor internal pipeline scripts and hooks

There are scripts and components of the CI pipeline that should never fail, independently of the tests results. These have proved be to hard to monitor, especially when the scripts are called from build hooks. Being notified when these failures happen enables faster reaction time. Here is an example to get monitor a command so that a Sentry issue in the Buildkite project is created on a non zero exit code.


The previous raw Grafana configuration used to add template variables to dashboards has been replaced with Container::Variables that abstracts away a lot of the behind-the-scenes dashboard config and potential gotchas to make it easier to define template variables on dashboards! Dashboard template variables are used to filter individual panels down by substituting variables in panel queries. Learn more in the ContainerVariable API docs.

template variables

Local development

Revamped introductory documentation

The local development docs homepage has been revamped! Check it out at docs.sourcegraph.com/dev. The quickstart docs has also been overhauled with a streamlined setup experience featuring sg setup, which has been greatly improved!

sg improvements

sg now ships a command that can reset databases as well as creating a site-admin: sg db (early adopters may have seen it under the name of sg reset). You can read more about the sg db [reset-pg|reset-redis|add-user] in the documentation

If you have ideas of other features that would be great, don’t hesitate to join the sg hack hour on Fridays at 4PM UTC!

Nov 23, 2021

Hello everyone, and welcome to another iteration of the Developer Experience newsletter!

To have your updates highlighted here, please tag your PR or issue with the dx-announce label! If you have questions or feedback, feel free to reach out in #dev-experience or in our discussions as well.


Significant progress has been made with sg setup, a new command that is slated to replace all the manual fenangling that must be done today to set up a Sourcegraph development environment. See a sneak peak of the upcoming iteration of the tool here!

Continuous integration

The Dev Experience team is proposing a “build sheriff” rotation in RFC 515, with the goal of distributing knowledge and responsibilities around our CI infrastructure to all of engineering through regular rotations of “build sheriffs”.

You may have noticed a daily update in #dev-experience providing an overview of how CI has behaved that day—this will be helping us track our progress towards a flake-free pipeline! If you need more details, a dashboard is now available in Grafana Cloud that features an overview of recently failed builds, steps, and potentially relevant logs. You can use this to see if lots of builds are failing on similar steps, which steps are the most problematic, and whether the issues are potentially related. A link can also be found in the Slack summaries. Let us know what you think on #26118!


This dashboard is powered by build logs that are now parsed from Buildkite output and uploaded to Loki, a log database available for query in Grafana Cloud using LogQL. Try it out here! This can be especially useful when seeing if a build issue is a common recurrence.

We are also trialing a number of additional annotations for build failures that should serve to help surface actionable errors more easily, and are working towards exporting an API for it that will enable more checks to easily add digestible output to builds. Let us know in #dev-experience if you have any ideas for how this could be improved!



A proposed revamp of how Honey events are created has been proposed in #27964, furthering work on turning internal/observation into the go-to package for all application observability needs.

Distributed tracing is now available on worker jobs, enabling Jaeger traces to be collected for worker job processing. This is currently only enabled for precise-code-intel-worker in Cloud, and enabling this for other workers is in the works.

RFC 501 REVIEW: Runtime error monitoring implementation is also progressing, which will allow errors to be more easily surfaced in Sentry to complement alerting.

Code health

Work on reducing usages of globals has continued with improvements to how site configuration is accessed that allows site configuration clients to be injected into places that require it. This makes site configuration easier to mock out and test without replacing a global variable in mocks.

On a similar note, tests have been undergoing incremental updates to leverage the more ergonomic and self-contained database mocks—a brief guide is available if you know an area of the codebase that could use a similar update!

Nov 2, 2021

Hello everyone! Welcome back to the Developer Experience newsletter. It is a compilation of announcements related to development experience at Sourcegraph. DevX is a global effort

To be mentioned here in the next iteration, please tag your PR or issue with dx-announce!

DevX team mission statement

Published Developer Experience team mission and strategy: handbook.sourcegraph.com/company/strategy/enablement/dev-experience

Buildkite incident post-mortem(s)

On Sep 19th, for about two hours, it wasn’t possible to interact with any container registries from Google Cloud platform, which interrupted the process for release 3.33. You can find the detailed report here: Postmortem Review: INC-25 Buildkite pipelines are not able to interact with container registry .

On October 26th, for another two hours, the pipeline agents were down. You can find the detailed report here: REVIEW: INC-30 Buildkite pipelines are failing due to pipeline generator failing to run

CI Pipeline highlights!

  • All-in-one pipeline - check all your build jobs in one place! #26051
  • Cross-build search for Buildkite failures: #26259
  • We are now measuring how long the pipeline stays red per day. It captures both how reliable the pipeline is and how fast it gets back to green.
    • 22th: red for 1h8m
    • 21th: red for 1h34m
    • 20th: red for 21m
    • 19th: red for 2h4m
    • 18h: red for 54m
  • Contractors are now able to access CI builds, as long as they prefix their PR with contractors/ and they have been manually added to buildkite contractors team.
  • SQL queries are now displayed on failure in Go tests, both locally and in the CI. #26020
  • One less papercut, remember the warning sign at the beginning of every step logs? It’s not there anymore. #26233
  • RFC 497 WIP: Restructuring CI Experience is now open for feedback!

SG Highlights

sg is a CLI tool that wraps commands to run the local environment and interact with various Sourcegraph resources such as CI builds or RFC.

A new home for sg documentation: https://docs.sourcegraph.com/dev/background-information/sg

  • sg ci logs - browse, grep, or save Buildkite output
    • Try the Loki integration locally for advanced search! #25835
  • sg ci status –wait - get notified as soon as your Buildkite build completes
    • image
  • sg version: displays what version of sg you’re currently running. Adding it to your message when requesting support for sg will really help!
  • Our first bug report that came from the community has been fixed! sg: include original err in install err

From the wider Sourcegraph community

Oct 8, 2021

Hello everyone! This is the first iteration of the Developer Experience newsletter. It is a compilation of announcements related to development experience at Sourcegraph.

To be mentioned here in the next iteration, please tag your PR or issue with dx-announce!

A team has been created

The Developer Experience team has been created in mid September! Our first goal is to improve the CI experience.

Buildkite incident post-mortem

Between Sep 21th and Sep 24th, our main branch builds were failing. Due to the difficulties we were having to reliably make it pass, we escalated it to an incident. To prevent new failures from piling up on the already broken branch, we made a decision to lock the main branch, which is a pretty unusual event.

You can find the detailed report inPostmortem REVIEW: INC-21 Builds failing on main, which is now in a reviewable state and open to feedback and any inputs.

We’d like to thank dearly all of those who helped to fix this: Patrick Dubroy, Robert Lin, Eric Fritz, Valery Bugakov, Tomás Senart, Thorsten Ball, Dax McDonald, Geoffrey Gilmore, Erik Seliger, Dave Try and JH. With the actions we’ve proposed in the postmortem, we don’t expect such an event to happen in the future.

Pipeline improvements

The CI is what enables us to feel confident when delivering our changes to our users, and is one of the key components enabling Sourcegraph to deliver quality software.

Previously, it was really hard to find time to improve the CI because it was competing with infrastructure work in terms of prioritization, making it a frustrating but rational choice. With the recent team reorganization, making that hard choice is not a problem anymore as this component is now owned by the DX team.

Following up on the above incidents, it became absolutely clear that the CI is a big contender in the list of pains faced by everyone. The good news is that it’s a pretty actionable one!

Let’s start with some numbers:

  • August average build time on the main branch: 19m57, on PR 20m24s
  • September average build time on the main branch: 27m47s, on PRs 22m32 (1)
  • October average build time on the main branch: 17m48s, on PRs 9m34


  • Pull requests now run a smaller set of checks on average, and it is easier to add additional PR checks of your own that run over subsets of code that you care about within the pipeline generator. See the Introductory documentation to help you get started with hacking on the pipeline generator
  • Puppeteer testsare nowrun in parallel multiple smaller steps, netting almost a 50% improvement :fire:
  • (1) spiked because that’s when the executor pipeline was introduced.

What’s next?

Observability is crucial to being able to know when and on what to act. This led to the creation of RFC 496 REVIEW: Continuous integration observability which is now in a reviewable state for everyone.

More speed improvements on the builds are being worked on, stay tuned!

sg is officially entering our daily workflows

What if we had a tool that would be the entry point to interact with our development environment? That’s the idea behind sg! Thorsten Ball has been driving this, with contributions from many other engineers. After a few months in a beta state, it’s now becoming an integral part of our workflow.

sg is now the default way to run the Sourcegraph development environment locally.

  • After half a year of working on sg, the PR to remove what we once knew as dev/start.sh and enterprise/dev/start.sh has been merged. Adios, 993 lines of shell script!
  • The docs have also been updated: the Getting Started guide now uses sg.

But wait, there’s more! A new group of commands has been added, the “ci” commands.

  • sg ci preview: You can now preview which steps your branch is going to run on the CI with the sg ci preview command. See something that shouldn’t be running in there? Open a PR on the pipeline generator !
  • sg ci status: No more clicking around to find the current build in Buildkite!
  • sg ci build: will trigger a manual build, useful if working from a sourcegraph fork.

And additional goodies: the sg teammate time and handbook commands that will tell you what is the current time of that person that lives very far from you, without having to leave your terminal.

What’s next?

This is just the beginning. Work on sg setup has begun. The idea is that we can reduce the Getting Started guide from 8 pages down to “install sg and run sg setup”.

Grafana cloud is now available to all!

Just sign up via GSuite SSO on https://sourcegraph.grafana.net. This Grafana instance currently has logs for Sourcegraph Cloud, available for search with LogQL via Loki. It has support for querying inferred fields from log messages, filtering for substring matches, and more. Try it out!

Metrics and parity with /-/debug/grafana is on the roadmap—follow #25407 for updates on that!

Shoutouts to teammates that improved our dev experience in September Robert Lin, Valery Bugakov, Thorsten Ball, JH, Camden Cheek, Erik Seliger, Coury Clark and Quinn Slack .