These OKRs are for in fiscal year 2022, which runs from to .


  1. Bring code search to the largest enterprises (5k+ user, multi-business unit, global)

    WHY: Moving this to the top because it needs more priority than it has gotten in the past. Otherwise, this is the same as last quarter.

    • KR: N0 IARR (N1 Stretch)
    • KR: Land N2 Large Enterprise Logos (N3)
    • KR: Advance N4 Large Enterprise Opportunities to Stage 4+ with Close Date (including prepping N5 to close in )
    • KR: Generate N6 new business Sales Accepted Opportunities among our target accounts
  2. Get on a path of regular growth of new devs using Sourcegraph

    WHY: Instead of the overly broad “win every dev” wording from last quarter, this focuses on what we can do this quarter. We want to see regular growth of usage (both Sourcegraph.com usage and new self-hosted instances), because right now it’s stagnant, and (in hindsight) we’re too heavily invested in big, long-term projects to improve that and not enough in shorter iteration cycle projects that we can learn from and see results from sooner.

    • KR: Maximize overall monthly unique visitors to sourcegraph.com and about.sourcegraph.com
    • KR: Maximize monthly community engagement and reach
    • KR: Maximize monthly /search visits
    • KR: 2x cloud weekly activation rate to N7
    • KR: 2x cloud weekly retention rate to N8
  3. Promote an async company culture

    WHY: See Raising a tension: Balancing asynchronous and synchronous communication

    • KR: Average score of 4+ (“Strongly agree” = 5, “Agree” = 4) on team survey at end of quarter, with targeted questions for async culture. (Do mid-quarter survey as well to get the pulse.)


WHY: Our teammates are our greatest asset, and to achieve our company goals, we need to continue to attract and hire incredible people. The Talent team’s focus in will be all about recruitment efficiency, while never losing sight on providing the best interview experience our candidates have ever had.

  1. Enhance recruitment branding efforts to attract talent globally.

    WHY: We can’t achieve our company goals without continuing to attract and hire great people. We need to increase our recruitment branding efforts to ensure we’re a known entity to incredible talent who will help us achieve our mission.

    • KR: Enhance partnerships with Blind, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Hacker News, AngelList, Women Who Code, and Great Place to Work to increase brand awareness, resulting in increased candidate pipeline.
    • KR: Publish 2 articles focused on talent/culture at Sourcegraph (in partnership with Marketing).
    • KR: Design and roll out new careers page (in partnership with Marketing).
    • KR: Establish a referral program: for every referred candidate hired, we will sponsor a scholarship (school/organization TBD) to help make a world in which everyone can code.
  2. Build the operational foundation to help our team scale.

    WHY: Hiring is a company-wide effort, and we need to ensure that every teammate has the training, tools, and structure in place to help make strong hiring decisions.

    • KR: Identify & roll out automated headcount tracking software/tool that reflects real-time staffed-to-plan % and is adjustable as needs to business change (in partnership with Finance/BizOps/TechOps).
    • KR: 100% of roles have a structured interview plan that is built out in Greenhouse.
    • KR: Automate interview training and ensure that 100% of teammates have gone through interview training by the end of .
  3. Execute on hiring plans that are responsive to teams’ needs, while providing an excellent candidate experience.

    WHY: Simply put, we need to meet the hiring needs of the business, all while providing a great candidate experience. This means that candidates move quickly through our process, and they walk away saying that this was the best interview experience they’ve ever had, regardless of outcome.

    • KR: Final hiring is 85%+ of the plan.
    • KR: Average time-to-fill (from date the job is opened to date the offer is accepted) is ≤45 days.
    • KR: Provide a strong candidate experience, as indicated by an average score of 4+ (“Strongly agree” =5, “Agree” = 4) in our candidate experience survey.


  1. Make Sourcegraph valuable and accessible to every company

    WHY: N11

    • KR: N0 IARR (N1 Stretch)
    • KR: Secure 100% of Logos for Renewals (including N9)
  2. Solve Big Code problems for the largest enterprises (5k+ user, multi-business unit, global)

    WHY: N12

    • KR: Land N2 Large Enterprise Logos (N3)
    • KR: Advance N4 Large Enterprise Opportunities to Stage 4+ with Close Date (including prepping N5 to close in )
  3. Build a company that thrives amid rapid growth

    WHY: Creating a new category is hard. It requires you to convince someone that they need a solution that they didn’t know existed to a problem they’ve long accepted as a cost of doing business. Our Know Thy Dev program aims to provide the education, training, and resources needed to truly understand our customers and effectively communicate the value of Sourcegraph to them.

    • KR: Our sales team is actively putting into practice learnings from our Know Thy Dev enablement program
  4. Establish a repeatable, scalable pipeline generation motion

    WHY: Our past pipeline KRs have been too broad and our plan for is to set a more focused KR for our sales and marketing teams. As such, we’ve established a shared KR that puts the focus of our outbound efforts on a specific list of N13 Target Accounts.

    • KR: Generate N6 New Business SAOs among our target accounts

Customer Engineering

WHY: Customer engineers are singularly responsible for the proactive technical success of our customers. Through the relationships we build and foster, we are uniquely positioned to understand their needs deeply, show them the value of Universal code search, and to help them achieve maximum value in using Sourcegraph while serving as the voice of the customer to our internal teams. This quarter we will enhance the success part of our role by using our experiences and insights to proactively work with customers to ensure they are positioned for long-term success, while identifying new use cases and new users that could benefit from our product. Our collective efforts will drive high adoption & usage, and uncover expansion opportunities across our customers.

  1. Be proactive, not reactive, about customer success
    • KR: CEs document customer technical requirements and inspect deals for technical success at every opportunity
    • KR: Any Tier 1 or Tier 2 customers with an adoption score of 50 or less have increased adoption scores by EOQ
  2. Make Sourcegraph valuable and accessible to every company
    • KR: including N1
    • KR: Secure 100% of Logos for Renewals (including N9)
  3. Solve Big Code problems for the largest enterprises
    • KR: Land N2 Large Enterprise Logos (N3)
    • KR: Advance N4 Large Enterprise Opportunities to Stage 4+ with Close Date (including prepping N5 to close in )


: Product / Engineering 1 pager contains full context of our planning and links to each product/eng team’s individual 1 pagers.

  1. OBJECTIVE: Make cloud and enterprise successful at a massive scale

    WHY: To build code search that is valuable to every developer, we need Sourcegraph to work well at the largest enterprises, and we need Sourcegraph to work well over all of the open source code on GitHub.com and GitLab.com (5.5M repos). Scaling to both of these use cases is complementary because Sourcegraph Cloud is simply the largest deployment of Sourcegraph and it helps us validate our ability to scale to future large enterprises. We’re measuring our enterprise success based on our ability to satisfy the needs of a small number of strategic accounts in . These strategic accounts are both essential to achieve our revenue goals this year, and also these customers have needs that are representative of large enterprises that we want to be able to win in the future.

    • KR: Sourcegraph Cloud provides fast and relevant search results over 5.5M repos.
    • KR: Resolve technical deal blockers with N10.
    • KR: Maintain 100% support issue resolution within 7 days while only requiring help (filing a #rfh GitHub issue) on 10% (measured weekly looking at last 30 days). Plan details can be found here
  2. OBJECTIVE: Build a delightful personalized product that devs love

    WHY: Fundamentally, we need to build a product that developers love to use, and that uniquely improves their development workflows. As we begin to understand the customer journey and usage funnel, product and engineering need to ensure that we don’t have a leaky funnel as more folks come to Sourcegraph Cloud. Marketing will be responsible for new visitors (acquisition), and Product and Engineering need to make sure we’re successfully pulling those visitors into the product. New users who come to Sourcegraph should understand the value of code search (activation) and learn how to integrate it into their workflows (retention). These two metrics help us more effectively focus on growth and awareness of Sourcegraph.

    In addition, we want to build a group of small and medium sized organizations or teams who are using and loving Sourcegraph Cloud. This is the next step in the journey towards having self-service customers on Sourcegraph Cloud, and we need to continue the momentum we have built with private code for individuals.

  3. OBJECTIVE: Happy, effective, async team

    WHY: Our ability to succeed and grow as a business is dependent on having teams that are happy, effective, and thriving. We don’t believe there is one succinct way to measure success on this dimension, but we do expect to be able to point to a range of both quantitative and qualitative evidence to evaluate whether we’re on the right track.

    The specific areas we think are important to focus on are improving teammate onboarding, establishing KPIs to enable teams to be more async/autonomous, and investing in our technical architecture + operational infrastructure so we are able to sustainably support Sourcegraph Cloud.

    • KR: Evidence that the team is happy and thriving, such as successfully onboarding new teammates, happiness survey, low attrition, experimentation (examples: sg tool, fuzzy file finding, search notebooks). Dev happiness log
    • KR: Each team has documented KPIs in the handbook, and a metrics dashboard that tracks those KPIs.


WHY: We’re growing bottom-up and top-down, which means we need to massively scale awareness and trust with both developers and enterprise buyers—we only win if we do both really well. It’s like hard mode compared to the way most companies grow, and it’s an exciting challenge! We want every dev to love us, and we want every decision-maker to be thinking about us when their eng team asks to bring Sourcegraph into the company. We are accountable for scaling delightful experiences that will drive devs into the product and create opportunities within our target accounts. We need help from everyone (especially our own eng team) to do this successfully!

  1. Massively increase the number of devs who are aware of and talking about Sourcegraph
    • KR: Maximize overall monthly unique visitors to sourcegraph.com and about.sourcegraph.com
    • KR: Maximize monthly community engagement and reach
    • KR: Maximize monthly /search visits
  2. Make sure enterprise buyers at target accounts see the value of Sourcegraph
    • KR: Generate N6 new business Sales Accepted Opportunities among our target accounts
    • KR: Advance N4 large enterprise opportunities to Stage 4+ with close date (including prepping N5 to close in )
  3. Get ready to scale marketing efforts
    • KR: Define awareness/affinity benchmarks
    • KR: Define marketing guidelines for dev vs enterprise audience
    • KR: Maximize ROI on marketing spend

WHY: We are enablers, working behind the scenes to support and help every other part of the business to succeed. will be the first time that we start a quarter with existing, ramped teams in place across Ops, so this will be a quarter of automation, being more proactive, and laying the groundwork for enormous team growth to come.

  1. Upgrade systems and automate processes
    • KR: annual and quarterly hiring, expense, and option budgets are set for each executive team member
    • KR: Enable the product team to self-serve on a majority of ad hoc analytical requests
    • KR: Begin first internal accounting review to prepare us to complete an audit in (ASC 606 prep/review existing contracts and templates, review accruals, departmental allocations, equity, etc) [Dan note: this KR will be left vague until the Controller position is filled]
    • KR: 100% of teammates onboarded into Okta with a 75% reduction in time spent provisioning access to tools for new teammates during onboarding
    • KR: An internal tech support ticketing system is in place with an average resolution time after the first contact below 24h with the intention of reducing noise in the it-tech-ops channel
  2. Proactively help the business make better decisions
    • KR: 2x cloud weekly activation rate to N7
    • KR: 2x cloud weekly retention rate to N8
    • KR: Maximize ROI on marketing spend
    • KR: We have mapped the Sourcegraph user journey and the SDR, Marketing, and/or Product teams are using 1+ recommendations for messaging, outreach, or user actions that are correlated with converting free users to sales opportunities
    • KR: Sales reps are using the new pricing model and report that it is helping to speed up or otherwise improve negotiations
    • KR: Plans are in place for key equity compensation strategies (including secondary sales, RSUs, and post-termination option exercise windows)
  3. Build the operational policies to enable rapid product and team evolution
    • KR: Computing/IT policies are created and, where necessary, compliance is tracked, including hardware tracking and procurement policies, internal security policies (including initial stages of ISO 27001 and SOC 2), and data retention policies
    • KR: All legal matters related to the cloud launch are completed in advance of the go-live date (specifically our public TOS and our privacy policy are updated, our data collection and notices are compliant, our support SLAs are updated and explicit, and all customer contracts/DPAs/etc. are ready)
    • KR: N14

People Ops

WHY: As our Talent team works hard to grow our teams so that we can deliver to our clients, the focus for the PeopleOps team falls on how we onboard them effectively, create an environment where they are growing their careers and skills, feel valued and cared for by us as human beings, and therefore want to stay with us for the long-term. At the same time, we need to consider scalability, and how we maintain the culture and ways of working that make Sourcegraph such a special place to be.

Our OKRs focus squarely on the most impactful things we can do to help us achieve this.

Building our careers and skills starts with successful onboarding. Inés did a great job of getting a solid general onboarding in place in , and in we’ll enhance our onboarding with the following OKRs:

  • Team-specific onboarding training has been developed and launched for 10+ priority teams (priorities are based against which teams have the newest teammates joining, but as teams create their own team-specific onboarding, everyone is encouraged to do theirs asap)
  • Create and publish a scalable resource that guides how to update the handbook (specifically for non-tech teammates), incorporated it into the onboarding and handbook, available to the whole company, and run 5 live practice sessions in , which will be measured by an OKR of 100% of teammates have edited their team bio in the handbook by their second week. We have our Handbook PM starting on 23 August who will collaborate with Inés on this.
  • We’ve also identified an urgent need to help our new and existing teammates regulate faster to our way of asynchronous working, so we’ve added an OKR to build out a training module on how we do it, which will be included in the onboarding and made available company-wide in the month of August.
  • The overall onboarding experience is measured by whether at least 75% of our new teammates indicate that their onboarding experience has helped them to be successful in their roles.

Then, we’ve set various OKRs for how we help our teammates develop their careers and experience once in their teams:

  • Launch manager training to help our managers understand how to develop their teams, give coaching and feedback, and navigate the challenging situations that come up in teams
  • Complete a company-wide job leveling & compensation recalibration exercise, with career levels customized for all teams, teammates’ levels identified using the content, and compensation considered accordingly.

As part of the above, we’re also aiming to:

  • Have compensation bands published in the handbook and in job descriptions for at least one team, based on the above job leveling exercise being complete

Our happiness survey revealed that we need to provide more support for teammates in maintaining their wellbeing, so aside from clarifying our Paid time off guidelines in , in we will:

  • Launch Modern Health, which will offer each of our teammates 10 coaching/counseling opportunities, for which we’re aiming for at least 70% engagement to make sure it’s being used.
  • Run two wellbeing-related Masterclasses—the first one will be kicked off in August
  • Measure the effectiveness of our whole wellbeing offering at the end of , to see to what degree our various wellbeing initiatives have increased a sense of wellbeing amongst our teammates

Lastly, to support the unconscious bias training launched by the Talent team in , we’ll:

  • Be providing training to managers on how to build and maintain inclusive teams in
  • Updating our handbook with more initiatives aimed at enhancing inclusivity and diversity in our teams, which will include the career leveling OKR (which aims to promote equity around how the impact of all team members is assessed) and Modern Health (which provides access to various support groups (COVID-19, LQBTQ+, Black Lives Matter, Asian communities, Latinx communities) plus guidance on how Sourcegraph teammates can support each other and escalate insights and ideas that are aligned with our values and will have a positive impact on the bigger company, to us for consideration.