Creating a managed instance

For MI 1.1, see the new process here. This is the preferred creation method!

Creating a new managed instance involves following the steps below. For basic operations like accessing an instance for these steps, see managed instances operations.

  1. CE creates an issue with the managed instance template in the sourcegraph/customer repository.
  2. Create a new GCP project for the instance by adding it to the managed_projects tfvar in the infrastructure repo’s gcp/projects/terraform.tfvars
  • It will look something like sourcegraph-managed-$COMPANY = { ... } - refer to the existing variables for more details. If you customize the sourcegraph-managed prefix, make sure to update the PROJECT_PREFIX variable in the below instructions.
  • Ensure when you run terraform apply that you commit and push the terraform.tfstate file to github
  1. Clone and cd deploy-sourcegraph-managed/
  2. Set variables:
  • export PROJECT_PREFIX=sourcegraph-managed (should match GCP project prefix)
  • export TF_VAR_opsgenie_webhook=<OpsGenie Webhook value>
  1. Check out a new branch: git checkout -b $COMPANY/create-instance

  2. ./util/ $COMPANY/ and commit the result. Make sure that the version exists in deploy-sourcegraph-docker.

  3. Open and edit terraform.tfvars according to the TODO comments within and commit the result.

    NOTE: ⚠️ Do not set enable_alerting to true yet as this will cause false alerts to fire until the MI creation process has been completed!

  4. Ensure you are using the version of Terraform indicated in .tool-versions using tfenv

  5. In gcp-tfstate run terraform init && terraform apply -var-file=../terraform.tfvars && git add . && git commit -m 'initialize GCP tfstate bucket'

    NOTE: You can safely ignore the warnings from terraform apply.

  6. Open and edit deploy-sourcegraph-managed/$COMPANY/red/docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml, increase gitserver-0’s cpus: 8 if the instance size is larger than “n1-standard-8”.

  7. In deploy-sourcegraph-managed/$COMPANY run terraform init && terraform apply

  8. Access the instance over SSH and confirm all containers are healthy (instructions). You may find docker ps reports no containers, that indicates it is still installing Docker, etc. To watch this progress see debugging startup scripts, it usually takes <10m. Confirm all containers come up healthy (docker ps should report them as such)

  9. In the infrastructure repository, create a DNS entry that points $ to the default-global-address IP (see “Finding the external load balancer IP”) and follow the process there to asdf exec terraform apply it. If the instance is Public, set proxied to true. If it’s Private, set it to false.

  10. Create a PR for review.

  11. Create admin credentials in 1password:

  • Open the 1password Managed instances vault (if necessary, access can be requested in #it-tech-ops)
  • Add > Login > enter $COMPANY sourcegraph-admin as the title
    • User: managed+$
    • Password: Change length to 40 and turn on symbols and digits > Save
  1. Access the Sourcegraph web UI (instructions for port-forwarding)
  2. Set up the initial admin account (for use by the Sourcegraph team only)
  • Email: managed+$ (note + sign not -)
  • Username: sourcegraph-admin
  • Password: Use the password previously created and stored in 1password.
  1. Create a token for the account under /users/sourcegraph-admin/settings/tokens called managed-instances with user:all (i.e. the default) checked and add it as “token” under the 1password entry for the admin account.
  2. Navigate to Grafana under /-/debug/grafana and confirm the instance looks healthy.
  3. Configure externalURL in the site configuration, and use SSH to restart the server (sudo su, shutdown -r) wait for it to come back up and access it again.
  4. In the global user settings (not site config), set "alerts.showPatchUpdates": false
  5. In the GCP web UI under Network services > Load balancers > select the load balancer > watch the SSL certificate status. It may take some time for it to become active (~1h41m) / for Google to see the DNS change from Cloudflare. Confirm it is active by following “Access through the GCP load balancer as a user would”.
  6. Go back to terraform.tfvars and set enable_alerting to true. Run terraform apply and verify that only google_monitoring_alert_policy.primary is created.
  7. In the site configuration, configure alerting to go to our #alerts-managed-instances Slack channel, for example (replace $COMPANY with the actual company name, and $WEBHOOK_URL with the actual webhook URL from 1password Managed instances > #alerts-managed-instances Slack webhook URL):
      "observability.alerts": [
          "level": "critical",
          "notifier": {
            "type": "slack",
            "username": "$COMPANY",
            "url": "$WEBHOOK_URL"
  8. In the site configuration, configure password reset emails to expire after 24 hours (instead of the default 4 hours). This allows more time for the customer to set up their initial account and gain access to the instance.
    "auth.passwordResetLinkExpiry": 86400, // 24 hours
  9. Enable metrics collection and GCP alerts for created Managed Instance via this action.
  10. Enable security audit logging via terraform apply in infrastructure repository - this will create required resources dynamically, based on project label.
  11. Add an entry for the customer by adding their Accounts link to the checklist in the managed instances upgrade issue template.

Giving the customer access

To provide the customer access to the instance:

  1. If IP restrictions are requested, create and apply the Terraform change that grants their IP/CIDR ranges access to the instance, or makes it public/SSO-only, by following the operations guide.
  2. Prepare the initial admin account for the customer:
  3. Go to /site-admin/users and hit “Create user”, and fill in the appropriate values. (The email address should be in the original managed instance Issue created by CE.)
  4. Copy the generated link and provide it to the CE to provide to the customer. Managed instances usually won’t have email set up, so a link will not be sent automatically. Keep in mind this link will expire after 4 hours.
  5. Go to /site-admin/users and promote the created account to site admin.

Configuring License, SSO, and repositories

The instance is handed off to CE at this point, CE will schedule a call with the customer (including a team member, if needed) to walk the site admin on the customer’s side through performing initial setup of the product including adding the license key, adding repos, configuring SSO, and inviting users. See CE docs