Using OpenID Connect for Site Admin Access

Purpose and Background

RFC 576: Allow disabling sign-up for OpenID Connect auth providers provided the necessary changes to allow Sourcegraph to use their internal Okta Auth provider as a way to grant Site Admin access to managed instances. Okta provides 2FA enforcement and audit logs which help improve the security posture of Managed Instance access.


These instructions are adapted from Sourcegraph Docs Site - User authentication (SSO) instructions.

Adjusting License for increase seat count

Ask #ce to increase the number of seats included in the customer’s license by 10 to accommodate the seats used by internal Sourcegraph teammates with Site Admin access.

Accessing the managed instance

Log into the managed instance using SSH via IAP Tunneling

Create a shell session into the sourcegraph-frontend-internal container

docker exec -it sourcegraph-frontend-internal /bin/sh

Initial configuration of the OpenID Connect (OIDC) Auth Provider

Edit /home/sourcegraph/site-config.json, add this auth provider configuration to “auth.providers”. OpenID connect information is available in 1Password > Customer managed instances > “Okta OIDC - Managed Instance”

  "allowSignup": true, // this value is temporary
  "clientID": "<value from 1password>",
  "clientSecret": "<value from 1password>",
  "displayName": "Sourcegraph Management",
  "issuer": "",
  "requireEmailDomain": "",
  "type": "openidconnect"

Restart frontend containers

docker ps | grep frontend | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -n1 docker restart

Creating the initial management user account

Log into the managed instance through the Sign In page. Click “Continue with Sourcegraph Management” to begin the authentication flow and create the initial account.

Promote initial management user to Site Admin

Create a psql session into the pgsql container.

docker exec -it pg psql -U sg

Promote the initial account to Site Admin. Replace <first> and <last> with your first and last name respectively. Replace <id> using the output from the first SQL command.

// Find the initial management user account, note the id (first column)
SELECT * FROM users WHERE username like '%<first>.<last>%';

// Promote user to site admin, replace <id> with the
UPDATE  users SET site_admin=’t’ WHERE id=<id>;

Disable automatic account creation

The initial management account should now be a site admin. Navigate to the Site Admin UI > Site Configuration and change “allowSignup”: true to “allowSignup”: false for the Sourcegraph Management auth provider. This requires other Site Admins to explicitly add users to a managed instance through the UI in order to delegate access. Save the changes.

  "allowSignup": false, // disable automatic creation
  "clientID": "<value from 1password>",
  "clientSecret": "<value from 1password>",
  "displayName": "Sourcegraph Management",
  "issuer": "",
  "requireEmailDomain": "",
  "type": "openidconnect"

Apply configuration changes

Restart frontend containers to apply changes.

docker ps | grep frontend | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -n1 docker restart

Fix the initial account username

Edit the initial account username to follow the “sourcegraph-management-<first>-<last>” convention. This allows the customer Site Admins to audit Sourcegraph Internal Teammate access.

Onboard Sourcegraph Teammates

NOTE: The convention for Sourcegraph Management usernames is sourcegraph-management-<first>-<last>.

Add Sourcegraph Teammates as required. Use the convention for usernames and use their corresponding email address.